Beechy Bouncer Machine
A utility device to keep Bouncies bouncing up to 10 hours per day. Electric. Requires min 10 foot ceiling height. Made in America. This device is not made to be attractive, it is made to be functional.

Bouncies Electric Display
You need this to be successful as a Bouncies retailer. Electric display bounces six Bouncies all day long with minimal noise. Catches your customer’s eye and builds interest. This machine only works properly if it is full. Cost is up … Read More

Small Store Display Crate
The perfect solution for the small boutique of 500 square feet or less. Two Bouncies can hang from the dowel (provided) giving your customers the idea of what the Bouncies do. (They bounce!) Shelves hold up to 27 Bouncies (three styles per shelf, and three of each style) signage can be provided according to your wishes. Hanger at the top holds one Bouncie and is optional at $5. Some assembly required (easy). Shipped direct to the store or to your Account Manager from the manufacturer. Made in Idaho. Measurements 14″ wide (20″ including dowel bar extension at top” x 12″ deep by 24″ high. Needs to be on a table or counter top.

Wooden Blocks for Display
Make your in-store Bouncies display more compelling and sell these to your customers to help them with their own at home display. Many people ask, “What do I do with my Bouncie?” These blocks can be securely stacked two high. … Read More